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sequence input target image sequences predict output –  natural turn
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Geoffrey Hinton
Nitish Srivastava,
Kevin Swersky
Tijmen Tieleman
Abdel-rahman Mohamed
Neural Networks for Machine Learning
Lecture 7a
Modeling sequences: A brief overview
Getting targets when modeling sequences
•  When applying machine learning to sequences, we often want to turn an input
sequence into an output sequence that lives in a different domain.
–  E. g. turn a sequence of sound pressures into a sequence of word identities.
•  When there is no separate target sequence, we can get a teaching signal by trying
to predict the next term in the input sequence.
–  The target output sequence is the input sequence with an advance of 1 step.
–  This seems much more natural than trying to predict one pixel in an image
from the other pixels, or one patch of an image from the rest of the image.
–  For temporal sequences there is a natural order for the predictions.
•  Predicting the next term in a sequence blurs the distinction between supervise

sequence/input/target/image/sequences/predict/output/– /natural/turn/ sequence/input/target/image/sequences/predict/output/– /natural/turn/
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