第16届中国国际物流节 大会议程.docx

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China Logistics 物流 中国 100 14:00 Xi'an 国际 International 交通
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议 程
Agenda of 16th China International Logistics Week & Port of Qingdao · 9th Western China International Logistics Industry Expo
(截至4月2日,具体以活动当日发布为准released on: April 2, subject to the announcement made on the day of publication)
中华物流大讲堂走进西安 China Logistics Lecture in Xi'an
时间:4月8日 星期一 14:00-17:30 地点:西安交通大学(本部517报告厅) Time: 14:00-17:00, April 8, Monday Venue: Xi'an Jiaotong University (517 Report Hall)
时 间 Time 主讲题目 Topic 讲 师Lecturer 职 务 Position
14:00-14:10 主持人发言 Speech by the moderator 杨 潇 Yang Xiao 中国国际物流节组委会执行秘书长、物流时代周刊总编辑、中国物流100人(智库)发起人之一 Executive Secretary-General of Organizing Committee of China International Logistics Week, Chief Editor of China Logistics Times,founder member of China Logistics 100 People (think tank)
14:10-14:20 致欢迎辞 Welcome speech 冯耕中 Feng Gengzhong 西安交通大学管理学院院长、中国物流100人(智库)成员 Professor of School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong University, member of China Logistics 100 People (think tank)

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